8 Things You Can Do to Help Build Your Confidence for Going to the Gym

Going to the gym can be scary. This is true for individuals who haven’t worked out in years and those who have been engaging in physical activity regularly but are using a new facility. Fortunately, there are numerous ways a person can build confidence in going to the gym. The following are eight techniques every person should consider trying.

{ 1 }Take Baby Steps
Don’t expect to walk into the gym and run for an hour at a pace of five miles per hour. This is likely not going to happen unless you are in great shape. The key is to start with baby steps and build up over time. Look for a walking plan, for example, that allows you to view it online and visit the gym daily or every other day to follow this plan. This is a good way to start building confidence, as a person can walk anytime and anywhere even if he or she cannot make it to a gym.

{ 2 }Choose the Right Clothing
Choose the Right Clothing
Jeans and an oversized sweatshirt should not be worn during a workout. The jeans restrict movement, and the oversized shirt may get caught up in machinery and injure the person exercising. For this reason, take the time to find clothing designed to be worn while exercising. A fortune does not have to be spent on these items, but quality pieces that will hold up should be selected. This ensures the person working out doesn’t have a lack of clothing as an excuse for missing a day, a week, or a month at the gym.

{ 3 }Don’t Worry About Others
Don't Worry About Others
People don’t go to a gym to check out how others look or what they are wearing. They are there to get in a workout and are likely focused on this as opposed to others who are engaging in similar activities. Keep this in mind when walking into a gym for the first or fifth time. Everybody is not looking at you, although they may be looking in your direction. They are paying attention to what they are doing and may not even be aware they are staring at someone in the process.

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{ 4 }Take a Friend
Take a Friend
The best way to feel comfortable at the gym is to take a friend. That person can work out right alongside you and help you feel more comfortable in new surroundings. It may be their first time at the facility too, but a familiar face is always nice when a person is in a new place. Many gyms let members bring a friend for free the first time or for a low fee. Be sure to ask if this is possible before signing up for a membership.

If no friend is available to go to the gym, find someone new to partner with during workouts. Having someone you are accountable to when a session is missed or a deadline isn’t reached is of great importance. When these milestones are reached, both partners celebrate their success together. When one partner fails for some reason, both work together to find out what went wrong and make sure it doesn’t happen again in the future.

{ 5 }Find a Personal Trainer
Find a Personal Trainer
A personal trainer can be of great help to someone new to the gym. This trainer creates a plan designed to meet the unique needs of the individual while addressing their fitness goals. With the help of this individual, a person will find they start their gym experience off on the right foot. After a few visits, it will be easier to recognize others and feel more confident walking through the door. Many gyms now employ personal trainers to help new members gain confidence, and a member might find the first meeting with the trainer is free when they join. Be sure to ask about this perk.

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{ 6 }Choose a Fun Activity
Choose a Fun Activity
If walking on the treadmill sounds dreadfully boring, don’t do it. Try different activities at the gym to find the one that is right for you. For some, this will be one-on-one sessions with a personal trainer. Others visit a gym to get time in the pool, and certain people find a group fitness class best meets their needs. With so many activities to select from, every person who visits a gym should be able to find something they enjoy and truly look forward to taking part in on a regular basis.

{ 7 }Learn About the Desired Activity
Learn About the Desired Activity
A person who wants to visit the gym to lift weights will find many books on this subject. The same is true of someone who wants to run on the treadmill a few times a week and eventually take part in a marathon. The goal is to find books that will help each person achieve their specific goal regardless of what it is. The more a person knows before stepping foot in a gym, the easier it will be to feel confident when doing so. However, don’t put off visiting a gym until a number of books have been read. Read one book and then make that first visit. Additional books can be reviewed with time. It’s the first step that is always the hardest, so be sure that happens quickly.

{ 8 }Consistency
Regular visits to the gym are needed to build confidence. Regardless of how you feel you look while at the gym, don’t give up. Keep going and your technique will improve, you’ll find it easier to engage in the desired workout, and faces will become familiar with time. Set a regular time for gym visits and refuse to rearrange the schedule. This is critical to feeling more confident when you exercise, so don’t make allowances in this area.

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